Adjusting to Your New Lash Extensions: Some Helpful Advice

Adjusting to Your New Lash Extensions: Some Helpful Advice

Even if you’re one of the millions of women dying to try lash extensions, chances are that you may still have a few questions and doubts. What will they look like when the application is done? Will they damage your natural eyelashes? And, perhaps most importantly, how will you need to adjust to your new extensions? The internet can be helpful in answering some of those questions, but online resources sometimes leave you with more questions than answers. The good news is that we have the advice you need to learn how to adjust to your lash extensions.

First, Some Basic Facts…

Before we delve into that lifestyle adjustment, let’s answer those first two questions. How will your lash extensions look when they’re done? In a word: fantastic! Eyelash extensions can give you longer, fuller, and lusher lashes than you ever dreamed possible. But will they damage your natural lashes? Forget the fear, uncertainty, and doubt; when properly cared for, lash extensions are perfectly safe for anyone whose natural lashes are healthy enough to support them.

Adjustments You’ll Need to Accept

So, how will you need to adjust to your new lash extensions? Well, beyond getting used to your new look, the following lifestyle adjustments will need to be made:

  • Lash Care: You will need to be even more focused on caring for your lashes and extensions. That means daily rinsing with a gentle cleanser, a light brushing, and a real emphasis on keeping your hands away from the extensions. No tugging, pulling, or rubbing allowed!
  • Sleep Protocol: If you want to keep your extensions in place, learn to sleep in a position that doesn’t leave your face in the pillow. Unless you’re eager to wake up with lashes on your pillowcase, that is.
  • Skin Care Adjustments: Oil is your enemy when you’re wearing lash extensions. Many of us thoroughly enjoy oil-based products for facial care – including eye cream – but we need to be careful with their use. The problem is that those oily products could weaken the bonds that keep your extensions in place. If you can find oil-free makeup products, do so.
  • Mascara: With extensions, you likely won’t need mascara – so leave it in your makeup case. Just enjoy your thick, dark lash extensions and your great new look.
  • Follow Directions and Fill as Needed: Your lash salon will provide you with aftercare directions for your new extensions. You should follow them to the letter, to ensure that you get the most out of your gorgeous lashes. And be sure to get refills to keep those lashes looking great. Remember, the average human loses one to three – or more – lashes each day as part of the natural shedding cycle.

In short, lash extensions do take some getting used to, but the adjustment to your lifestyle should be almost negligible. The important thing is to focus on those essential care tips, emphasize hygiene and cleanliness around the eyeline, and select the right makeup products to accommodate your new lashes. In no time at all, the adjustment will be complete and you’ll be able to just focus on how great your eyes look with eyelash extensions!

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