5 Lash Extensions Tips You Need to Know

5 Lash Extensions Tips You Need to Know

Lash extensions might be all the rage these days, but how much does the average woman really know about caring for these beauty enhancements? While millions of women may be considering extensions to finally get those perfect lashes they deserve, it’s important for them to understand basic facts about eyelash extensions and their care to ensure that their experience ends up being everything they hope for. Here are five lash extension tips you need to know before you choose to enhance your lashes.

They are There for the Life of Your Lashes

Lash extensions are glued directly to your lashes, with each extension attached to one individual natural lash. Once in place, they are designed to remain in place until that natural lash comes to the end of its last cycle and falls out. So, make no mistake: these are not like false lashes, which you can remove after a night out on the town. They are a more semi-permanent solution that offer an even higher quality aesthetic boost.

Aftercare is Critical for Ensuring Longevity

Of course, to truly get the most out of your lashes, you need to care for them properly. That care includes daily washing using a gentle cleanser. In addition, you should brush through your lashes each day, following the natural curve of the extension. With the right care, you can avoid potential dirt and bacterial buildup in the lash line and keep away from infection and other problems.

You May Need to Break Some Bad Habits

There are also bad habits that can destroy your new lash extensions. For instance, don’t pull on them, play with them, or twist them. Ifyou do, you may pull them loose. In addition, you will need to retrain yourself to avoid sleeping on your face. That could bend the extensions or pull them loosein the middle of the night.

They Can’t Stand the Heat

Because they are held in place by adhesive, your extensions cannot withstand exposure to extreme heat, steam, hot water, or excessive moisture. As a rule, just try to avoid environments where those elements might be present. While you’re at it, try to wear goggles if you’re swimming in chlorinated pools, as that can be problematic too.

Regular Fill-Ins Can Extend Their Life

Finally, recognize that you keep your lash extensions in place year-round – but only if you commit to touching them up every few weeks. Fill-in appointments allow you to enjoy new extensions that replace any lashes that have shed since your lash appointment. This process is recommended for women who want to maintain full, perfect lashes month after month since we all lose between one and four lashes a day.

Knowledge about eyelash extensions is critical for anyone who wants to make an informed decision about her beauty needs. These and other helpful tips and facts can ensure that you have the information you need to decide whether lash extensions are right for you – and how to care for them properly in the event you decide to finally join the millions of other women who have made perfect lashes a part of their lives.

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